Five Relationship Archetypes ebook
Create deeper connections and more satisfying relationships with the Five Relationship Archetypes.
In this beautifully designed 78 page ebook, you will:
▻ Discover your unique blend of the Five Relationship Archetypes. Take the extended Five Relationship Archetypes Profile quiz and find out how you score all Five Relationship Archetypes. You’ll get your percentages for each of the Five Relationship Archetypes. And if you’re partnered, your partner can take the Profile quiz too.
▻ Find out how your primary Relationship Archetype interacts with each of the other Relationship Archetypes in intimate relationships. This will give you deeper insight into the patterns you may be experiencing in your intimate relationships (both past and current).
▻ Encounter new ways to change unsatisfying patterns in your relationships.
▻ Learn about all Five Relationship Archetypes—their particular gifts, challenges, and opportunities for growth.
▻ Develop a greater awareness of how your past relationship wounds can create unbalanced expressions of the archetypes and discover how to balance your primary Relationship Archetype by accessing the gifts and talents of the other archetypes.
▻ Connect with yourself on a deeper level. Grow in self-awareness and appreciation of your uniquely beautiful self.
Part of the magic of the Five Relationship Archetypes is how they allow you to see your relationships through a new lens. Things that had previously seemed unrelated come together in a new way. You suddenly recognize how certain aspects of your relationships connect to each other. You start seeing the influence of your primary Relationship Archetype, as though it’s a thread that weaves through all your relationships.
Create deeper connections and more satisfying relationships with the Five Relationship Archetypes.
In this beautifully designed 78 page ebook, you will:
▻ Discover your unique blend of the Five Relationship Archetypes. Take the extended Five Relationship Archetypes Profile quiz and find out how you score all Five Relationship Archetypes. You’ll get your percentages for each of the Five Relationship Archetypes. And if you’re partnered, your partner can take the Profile quiz too.
▻ Find out how your primary Relationship Archetype interacts with each of the other Relationship Archetypes in intimate relationships. This will give you deeper insight into the patterns you may be experiencing in your intimate relationships (both past and current).
▻ Encounter new ways to change unsatisfying patterns in your relationships.
▻ Learn about all Five Relationship Archetypes—their particular gifts, challenges, and opportunities for growth.
▻ Develop a greater awareness of how your past relationship wounds can create unbalanced expressions of the archetypes and discover how to balance your primary Relationship Archetype by accessing the gifts and talents of the other archetypes.
▻ Connect with yourself on a deeper level. Grow in self-awareness and appreciation of your uniquely beautiful self.
Part of the magic of the Five Relationship Archetypes is how they allow you to see your relationships through a new lens. Things that had previously seemed unrelated come together in a new way. You suddenly recognize how certain aspects of your relationships connect to each other. You start seeing the influence of your primary Relationship Archetype, as though it’s a thread that weaves through all your relationships.
Create deeper connections and more satisfying relationships with the Five Relationship Archetypes.
In this beautifully designed 78 page ebook, you will:
▻ Discover your unique blend of the Five Relationship Archetypes. Take the extended Five Relationship Archetypes Profile quiz and find out how you score all Five Relationship Archetypes. You’ll get your percentages for each of the Five Relationship Archetypes. And if you’re partnered, your partner can take the Profile quiz too.
▻ Find out how your primary Relationship Archetype interacts with each of the other Relationship Archetypes in intimate relationships. This will give you deeper insight into the patterns you may be experiencing in your intimate relationships (both past and current).
▻ Encounter new ways to change unsatisfying patterns in your relationships.
▻ Learn about all Five Relationship Archetypes—their particular gifts, challenges, and opportunities for growth.
▻ Develop a greater awareness of how your past relationship wounds can create unbalanced expressions of the archetypes and discover how to balance your primary Relationship Archetype by accessing the gifts and talents of the other archetypes.
▻ Connect with yourself on a deeper level. Grow in self-awareness and appreciation of your uniquely beautiful self.
Part of the magic of the Five Relationship Archetypes is how they allow you to see your relationships through a new lens. Things that had previously seemed unrelated come together in a new way. You suddenly recognize how certain aspects of your relationships connect to each other. You start seeing the influence of your primary Relationship Archetype, as though it’s a thread that weaves through all your relationships.