Date night Movie
of the month
We’ve helped hundreds of individuals and couples to improve their relationships. In nearly every case, what’s needed is more communication.
For many couples, things are left unsaid in an attempt to not rock the boat. For other couples, tensions emerge when partners don’t see eye to eye on particular issues.
We created Date Night Movie of the Month to help couples open the channel of communication, in an enjoyable, non-threatening way.
Studies show that couples who watch movies together and have guided discussions about the movies experience relationship benefits similar to couples in therapy, including a 50% reduction in divorce.
That’s huge!
Couples therapy can be enormously beneficial to relationships, but very few people who’ve been through couples therapy would think of therapy as a fun way to spend time together as a couple.
That’s where our Date Night movie of the Month comes in.
We’ve transformed the old standby of dinner and a movie into an experience you’ll not only enjoy—it will also deepen your relationship.
Each month for the next six months, we provide a movie recommendation along with an expertly-crafted discussion guide to help you talk about the important relationship themes from the movie.
For this program, we didn’t choose our favorite movies—instead, we picked movies that highlight important relationship themes that couples often face.
We literally reviewed hundreds of films and selected the movies that best reflect the particular joys and challenges couples encounter in long term relationships. Every movie we’ve selected is available to stream on at least one common service, including Netflix, iTunes, and Amazon.
We hope you’ll enjoy the time watching the film together—that alone has relationship benefits—but the big relationship benefit comes from the time you spend talking over what characters do well in their relationship and how they could do things even better. You may even find yourself talking about the movie for days after watching it.

We’re trained to believe that things have to be hard in order to work.
But that’s just not true.
Date Night Movie of the Month
is designed to be fun and transformative.
Research shows that couples who spend more quality time together are happier and more satisfied with their relationships and report their relationships are more intimate, compared to couples who spend less time together.
Not only does the Date Night Movie of the Month give you a monthly relationship ritual you can look forward to for the next six months, it also gives you the opportunity to have low-stakes disagreements with your partner.
Think about it: how often do you get the chance to have disagreements with your partner about relationships topics that aren’t about your relationship in particular?
That’s exactly what the Date Night Movie of the Month discussion does. Conversations about what works (and what doesn’t) for couples you see on screen gives you the opportunity to talk about feelings within the safe context of discussing the characters’ relationship.
It gives you practice talking about difficult relationship dynamics without having to focus on your specific problems.
Once a month for the next six months, you’ll receive a discussion guide created by a couples therapist (Angela) and a relationship coach and professional movie reviewer (Daniel) that will highlight the important relationship themes in the movie and help you talk about the movie in ways that bring you closer together, while also helping you build the skills to have relationship conversations outside the context of the monthly movie night.
The Date Night Movie of the Month will help you:
❖ develop better communication skills
❖ experience connection and deepen your intimacy
❖ go beyond the usual chats about your day to the meaningful, heartfelt conversations that truly nurture your love
❖ learn how to talk through disagreements in ways that bring you closer together (rather than pushing you apart)
Your adventure begins now
1. When you sign up, you’ll receive a welcome email letting you know all the details and how to contact us if you have any questions.
2. For the next six months, you’ll receive a monthly email with our movie pick of the month and the accompanying discussion guide. We’ll also give you some ideas for how to make your monthly movie date night even more special.
3. Together, you two can pick a time that works with your schedule to dedicate to your relationship. We’ll let you know how long the movie is and how much time to set aside. Since research shows that 45 minutes of discussion after the movie gives as much benefit to couples as participating in couples therapy, we’ve designed our discussion questions to give you the opportunity to talk for between 45-60 minutes.
4. Relax and enjoy!
about us
We help those with painful childhood experiences to heal your relationship with yourself, deeply connect with others, and learn the skills for having fulfilling relationships.
We’re the creators of the Five Relationship Archetypes. We’re also the hosts of the Alchemy of Connection podcast and the creators of the Relationship Yes! Test.
We founded the Institute for Trauma Informed Relationships to provide certification and consultation to therapists and coaches in Trauma Informed Relationship Counseling for Individuals and Couples.
Angela Amias, LCSW
Fulfilling relationships are an essential part of living a good life and yet, many of us (perhaps even most of us) have core wounds from childhood experiences that affect our ability to have the kinds of intimate relationships in adulthood that we long to have. As a licensed therapist, I’ve worked with hundreds of individuals and couples to help them heal past trauma and create more meaningful, satisfying relationships with themselves and with intimate partners.
Alongside Daniel, I developed the Five Relationship Archetypes as a model that reflects the different ways that childhood relationship trauma impacts our adult relationships. This model takes into account our unique and inborn temperaments as well as the kinds of messages we internalize during childhood—about ourselves and how we need to be in order to have relationships with others. And, more importantly, it lays out a path toward healing, by first helping you reconnect with the parts of yourself that you lost along the way … parts that weren’t accepted or safe to express when you were growing up.
It’s my belief that difficult experiences break us open to become more of who we are meant to be. As a trauma survivor myself, and as a therapist, I’ve made it my mission to walk alongside others as you find your path toward healing and discovering a life of more meaning and joy.
I’ve been a featured relationship expert in many publications, including Today, Oprah, Cosmopolitan, Well + Good, The Independent, Salon, Inc., Forbes, Toronto Sun, Women’s Health, Refinery29, and many others.
You can read my full bio HERE.
Daniel Boscaljon, PHD
The most important relationship you’ll ever have is the one you have with yourself. It’s also true that your connections with others can never be better than your relationship with yourself, which is why healing painful or traumatic experiences from childhood is such a vital part of having meaningful, satisfying relationships in adulthood.
My own personal search for how to cultivate a meaningful life came after years of feeling disconnected from others and from myself. Though I entered graduate school focused on the intellectual aspects of earning a PhD in Religious Studies (and then another one in English), I discovered along the way how to use what I learned to repair the inner fractures of my own life. As I reconnected with myself, I found that I was better able to connect with others as well.
As an award-winning teacher with over twenty year of experience working with individuals and couples, my mission is to translate theories of love into practical guidance that helps you create meaningful, fulfilling relationships. I’ve presented internationally on the topics of love and intimacy.
As a relationship expert, I’ve been featured in many publications, including NBC News, Newsweek, Harper’s Bazaar, MindBodyGreen, Forbes, Salon, Fast Company, Business Insider, Fatherly, and AskMen.