Relationship Advice for Love after Trauma

How do I let go of the hurt from being treated badly by someone I loved?
How do you release the grief and hurt of being treated badly by someone you cared for deeply?

How do I get over trust issues and stop ruining my relationships?
I demolished a beautiful relationship with accusations I knew were far from true. I couldn’t accept that my intuition had been hindered by my paranoia. But why do I still feel the same feelings and think the same thought, even though I know they’re wrong?

My partner became someone I didn’t even recognize. How do I learn to trust again?
I recently ended an eight year relationship. One month after our break up, in which he showed no reaction to, he showed up out of the blue to confess he had had affairs, plural, throughout our relationship. How is it possible to move forward at this stage in life, and trust someone new, after the person I chose to be with and loved became someone I didn't recognize before my eyes? It's hard to even trust myself now.
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get started with our free relationship class
WE’re not born knowing how to communicate in relationships.
For many of us, we missed out on learning healthy communication skills during childhood. Instead of learning how to communicate in ways that allow both people to feel seen, heard, and understood, often we learn patterns of communication that create confusion, hurt, and disconnection. Or we learn that it’s safer to just keep our thoughts and feelings to ourselves … and not communicate.
The secret to fulfilling relationships is learning how to connect with another person through communication. You can start learning the art of communication with our free communication class, The Communication Cure.